I am sure most of you have heard, "mother knows best," at least once in your lifetime. Putting my past experiences into perspective, I can firmly agree with this common phrase. The majority of the time, as much as my stubborn self hates to admit this, my mother has been right. I have learned to follow her example and take her advice into consideration. One of the biggest aspects of my life that my mother has been right about is my best friend, Julianna Orawiec.
Julianna and I met freshman year at volleyball tryouts. I cannot remember the exact conversation we had that kickstarted our friendship, but I do remember how my view on friendship drastically shifted after meeting her pure heart. She taught me what it was like to be engulfed by so much love and care. I never had someone put so much time and effort into getting to know me, and it was exactly what I needed as I transferred over to a new school. To this day, four years later, she and I are still inseparable. Not a day goes by when she and I do not exchange some sort of conversation. She is truly a gift in my life, and I am sure a gift to many others.
When I say "pure heart," I mean pure heart. She does not have one bad bone in her body. She aims to spread positivity and warmth to everyone she encounters. She has this spark in her that makes anyone feel welcome. Julianna is this energetic, kind, and endearing person who makes this world, or at least mine, so much greater than what it is. I could not have asked for a better person to stand with me on this crazy journey, and I am blessed every single day to have been able to meet her; God knew I needed her.
Julianna and I's bond did not form overnight. She and I both went through some difficult life experiences. So much change crept up on us over the years, but our support for one another never stopped. This girl knows me better than I know myself; she has seen me at my happiest and my lowest but showed me the same, endless love through both. We have had moments of weakness, but we share our strength in times of need. Tough love: we have had plenty of moments with it. The last thing we do is approve of things that may hurt the other. Julianna does not hesitate to tell me the things I may not want to hear and push me in the direction that I may dread to go in and vice versa; and every single time, it works out in our favor. She is one of my biggest cheerleaders in life, and the happiness we feel for each other when the other accomplishes something is absolutely beautiful.
Her and I's friendship is one of the healthiest things I have in my life. We may have had one or two arguments in sophomore year, and after those, we learned how to adjust to each other's communication methods. She and I hardly ever bump heads, and when we do, we do not run from each other. We sit, talk, and hug it out. That is what it should be like: altering techniques to fit the other's needs.
Julianna has taught me so many things:
healthy communication
how to love myself and others
to find joy in the small things
But most importantly, this girl taught me true friendship. She has shown me unconditional love and patience over the years. She has never once made me feel less than who I am or unimportant to her, and for that, I am immensely grateful. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, Julianna, for being my rock.
When I first met Ju, I told my mother about how I made a friend at volleyball. My mom immediately respected her and still does. She started calling her "Juju" right away, almost as if she had known Julianna for a while. I cherish my mother's opinion a lot, and to know she has loved Julianna straight from the start, shows me the positive impact her friendship has on me. My mother, to this day, still welcomes her, asks about her, is excited to talk to her, and would drop anything to help her "Juju." After all, mother knows best, and she knew Julianna would be a constant in my life.
Keep showing the world your smile and uplifting attitude. Keep doing everything with your entire heart and being a guide for people who are lost. You have inspired more people than you could possibly ever realize. Never doubt your capabilities--you are strong and valiant. I am so proud of you and the woman you are making yourself to be. I only see great things in your future, and I cannot wait for the millions of more memories we will create. You make my life easier. You are beautiful inside and out, Ju. Thank you for being my best friend--I could not do this whole life thing without you.
A once-in-a-lifetime friendship.
I love you <3